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Fannah: The Dagger of Truth by Robin Grant

Sep 19, 2024
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Fannah is the type three exemplar for the N-1 Games fantasy stories that are designed to teach the enneagram and spiral dynamics to any audience, and particularly young teens and adults. In her story, the reader will experience type three through the journey of a character designed to represent physically and metaphorically the attributes of an enneagram type three.


Her journey begins in the mystical and magical purple meme as the Magician, and evolves into her true essence in the turquoise value meme as the Holistic Coach. After a brief introduction to the character and a short explanation of the metaphorical art, we will leave you with an excerpt from the Novella, Fannah: The Dagger of Truth, along with information about how you can obtain the novella and other products from Conscious Dimensions LLC.


Fannah, a half-lioness and half-domesticated cat, hails from a magical, feline family specializing in fire magic. When an ice age plunges their world of Hirune into survival mode, all eyes are on her tribe to save felines everywhere with fire magic – a practice that only male felines are allowed to perform. When however, her male counterparts fail to produce the fire magic needed, Fannah seizes the opportunity to defy cultural norms and rise to the occasion.


Her actions, albeit controversial, propel Fannah into a position of leadership in a male-dominated world that not only honors male dominance and prowess, but also values pure-bred felines. No matter the challenge, Fannah is not deterred and will not accept failure as a possibility of her outcome. As her story unfolds, her powers evolve, including the power of shapeshifting, giving her increased advantages at obtaining ultimate power and authority.


Her vanity and deceit, however, is a shadow aspect she must confront in her journey. Fannah is independent, agile, and like all cats, always lands on her feet. To keep the love coming, and to prove her value to her family as well as her pride as a viable female magician, she continues to outperform the competition, priding herself on efficiency and success.


Fannah has a magical amulet that provides her with divine wisdom and guidance. It is cleverly arranged in her hair, suspended over her head, a symbolic reminder of a significant type 3 quality – a three’s disconnection from their heart space. The love, energy, and vitality contained within the jewel is kept at a safe distance above – one could say in a safe, analytical, headspace. Emotions are messy and get in the way of getting her important initiatives done, like making fire production factories, building cities in her name, and navigating inter-galactic trade via magical portals!


Her practical and pragmatic nature does not have time for emotional indulgence or frivolity; therefore, Fannah struggles to connect with her heart. Fannah is a status seeker, using any magic at her disposal to improve her image with glamor, wealth, and feline charisma! The heart seems like an empty spot for this type, and is, until Fannah, as you will read in her story, through her journey finds self-compassion and begins to let go of her egoic story that she is only valued for the great feats she can perform.


Instead, she realizes that she is already enough and that she is valued for just being who she is. As she learns to share glory
with others, release her attachments to achievements and doing, and surrenders to divine flow, she becomes a precious example of one who is loved for who she really is and her benevolence shines like a bright light through the cosmic darkness of the N-1 galaxy.


Fannah Excerpt:


“In the midst of this experience, Fannah allowed everything she saw and felt to flow through her, embracing it all without resistance. What emerged from this intense life review was an entirely new version of Fannah. In a magical moment, her amulet dropped from her hair, remaining suspended above her head before ultimately transforming into a sparkling ruby necklace. The large central jewel settled upon her heart, radiating with an explosion of emotions, energy, and vitality.



Then, with a powerful ejection of white light, the energy projected from the necklace into the atmosphere, dissolving all force fields and protective shields that had previously held back the harsh winter climate. The beam of light permeated the atmosphere, completely pushing back the icy grip of winter and restoring the entire planet to its original state before the onset of the ice age. As the shimmering barrier dissipated, a wave of transformative energy spread throughout Evolvoria, filling its residents with a profound sense of unity and connection. They understood, more than ever, the necessity of harmonious coexistence among all beings including the new and emerging race of BioNex creatures.


As the energy subsided, Fannah found herself completely transformed, just like Divri. She had transitioned from a shape-shifting fire tiger to a magnificent amalgamation of all feline creatures. Her appearance now radiated a softer, more beautiful, and wiser essence.


Her robe transformed into a cape, and her flaming red hair turned white, as if embodying the snowy climate that had been dissolved. Her skin too had turned white, adorned with striking black tiger stripes. Fannah had become a renewed representation of Mother Earth, partnered with Divri, the Tree of Life – masculine and feminine white light energies merging for the cosmos.”


We hope this exploration into the enchanting world of the Enneagram and its application within fantasy storytelling has inspired you. To dive deeper into this unique blend of education and adventure, visit us at www.booksofnine.com/fannah. Discover our innovative products designed to enrich your understanding of the Enneagram while immersing you in captivating tales of fantasy and intrigue. Join us on this epic journey of self-discovery!


Robin Grant is a passionate artist and seasoned educator who believes in the transformative power of creativity. From drawing fantasy characters as a child to developing vibrant narratives in his current work with N-1 Games, Robin has dedicated his life to using art, spirituality, and psychology to foster healing and personal growth. As a founding member of Conscious Dimensions LLC, he merges over 15 years of experience in graphic design with his Enneagram training, creating enriching educational experiences across various sectors. Holding a BA in Multimedia Communications and an M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instructional Design, Robin’s mission is to empower others while cultivating mindfulness and connection through dynamic educational courses and materials.